In order to apply to the 2 year I.T.I Degree Courses in Fitters, and Electricians, a student must pass the S.S.C. Examination.
For application to the Certificate Courses (1 year) in the above mentioned trades, a student can apply irrespective of the S.S.C Examination result.
Students between the ages of 14-40 as on the date of the admission session are eligible.
The academic year is from the month of August, to the month of July of the following year.
Application forms for the admission are normally distributed in the first week of June. The form can be filled up and returned with the Baptismal Certificate for Catholics and Birth Certificates for others, with two passport-sized photographs. The procedures are mentioned in the Application Form.
The signatures of the Parent/Guardian and the Student on the Admission form and in the Handbook, constitute an agreement on the part of the Parent/Guardian and the Student, to abide by the Rules and Regulations, as contained in the Handbook, and the announcements, notices, etc. made at the assembly or put up on the Notice Board from time to time.